Renowned filmmaker and producer Karan Johar celebrated his production house Dharma Productions completing 40 years within the industry through an emotional post. It was his father, Yash Johar who started the production house 4 decades ago and Dostana was the first film that got released under it.
On Instagram, Karan shared a photograph of him with his father as he wrote, “40 years ago on this date you released your first film DOSTANA and thus began a company that was so close to your heart….all your tremendous karma is in every sunshine ray of @dharmamovies ….all we have done is bask in the glory of your goodwill…. we stand tall because of your teachings and pray every day that you are proud of all of us Papa! ”
While remembering his late father, the director also wrote, “Dharma is a result of so many of us who strive everyday to spread cheer at the movies…we miss you …but we feel your hand on our head and that gives us the courage to combat and to create ….I love you so much Papa…❤️”
Karan has two films which are to be released under Dharma Productions. One of them is Akshay Kumar’s most awaited Sooryavanshi and another is Ayan Mukerji’s action fantasy film ‘Brahmastra’ starring Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt.