Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming movie “FAN” is making roundabout in the Bollywood. As we can see in the trailer, King khan is playing a double role – A big star ‘ARYAN’ and a crazy fan of his ‘GAURAV’. Unlike Khan’s other blockbusters, FAN’S trailer leaves behind an intimidating impression on the audience. The trailer suggests how a gullible and wacky fan of the star keeps dreaming about his HERO every now and then and how he is being wroth fully treated by the star in return.
King Khan has an immense fan following not only in India but also outside India. Fans are crazy to know every detail of his. Sometimes there are also ones who try and get aggressive with the celebrities just to grab attention, which in turn provokes the celebrities. King khan too is not untouched by such scuffles.
It is not a hidden fact that how immensely Khan’s films are awaited with full gusto and zest. A much pronounced dialogue from this upcoming flick – ab fan star kay peechey nahi, star fan kay peechey bhagega is all set to create a new high.
Despite of using different promotional gimmicks like painting graffiti on Mannat’s wall, the trailer showing a deterred fan might not go down well with the fans who look up to the star for his welcoming demeanour . Hope the upcoming flick does not leave the fans disappointed.
Well, We wish Shah Rukh Khan all the best and keep surfing BollywoodDhamaka for more news updates.
By: Aakriti Mishra