Mumbai: IPL 2015 opening ceremony has been under spotlight when it was disclosed by the BCCI officials that they are in a plan to sell just 30000 tickets. While, on the other hand we all know that every year the IPL ceremony is so wonderful that everyone wish to mark their presence at the venue and most of all when the Bollywood actors including Hrithik Roshan, Farhan Akhtar, Shahid Kapoor, Anushka Sharma and Singer Pritam are going to perform at the IPL event 2015.
In relation to this BCCI (Board of Control for Cricket in India) made an announcement that the Bollywood celebs are going to come together to start the IPL 2015 season 8, Twenty20 league and we are also going to see actor Saif Ali Khan as the host in the evening.
Along with this it has been disclosed that all the IPL team captains are going to mark their presence and will take the ‘Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) Spirit of Cricket’ pledge. Then, Gautam Gambhir (Captain, Kolkata Knight Riders) will put the trophy back in play.
The IPL 2015 opening ceremony will start at 7:30 pm and the gates will open for the entry at 5:00 pm.
IPL fans sitting at home and willing to see the IPL opening ceremony may watch the live program on Sony Max, Sony Six and for the mobile users may watch it at Hotstar mobile application.
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