Mumbai: Mahesh Bhatt latest released movie Khamoshiyan has collected around 7 Crore at the box office in 3 days. The movie starts television actor Gurmeet Choudhary, Sapna Pabbi and Ali Fazal.
While, the movie was under media discussion for a long interval of time from the first day when it was added that the television actor Gurmeet will be a part of the movie. Along with this the movie locked many headlines in relation to actress Sapna Pabbi hot and bold scenes in the movie and sometime the actress was even compared with porn star turned Bollywood actress Sunny Leone.
Well, the television actor Gurmeet and Sapna has made very low collection at the box office but if we talk about the other movie released with Khamoshiyan then this movie did better than others.
As per the latest updates, Ayushmaan Khurana’s Hawaizaada collected Rs. 2.32 cr and Rahasya collected less than Rs. 1 cr in three days.
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