On the occasion of the birthday of Kunal Khemmu and Soha Ali Khan’s daughter Inaaya Naumi Khemmu, several people wished her on her special day. Actress Neha Dhupia also took to her Instagram to share some warm wishes for the little princess. Neha’s daughter Mehr and Inaaya are close friends.
Neha shared some adorable pictures of both these little angels while saying ‘We love you loads Inni poo’. Both of them can be seen playing in these pictures and hugging each other adorably in the series of candid shots. Neha’s caption said, “here’s to chasing many more sunsets ? together , … happy birthday ? Inni?… come back soon … we miss you ! ❤️ @mehrdhupiabedi ?”
The Khemmu family also uploaded a picture of their fun celebration that took place recently. All three of them could be seen striking a pose while holding colourful props in their hands, in the shape of ice cream.
Soha also shared a picture of the beautiful powder blue frock her daughter wore on her birthday.