Bollywood actor Akshay and Rakul starrer Cuttputlli’s trailer was released and had created a massive buzz amongst the fans. After launching the most intriguing and captivating trailer, the makers decided to take the buzz a notch higher by releasing the first song of the film – Saathiya which is a delightful love ballad.
Akshay Kumar and Rakul Preet will share the screen space for the first time ever and their chemistry appears to be extremely refreshing already. Sung by Zahrah S Khan and Nikhil D’souza, Saathiya has been shot in a very stylish manner. Along with being a romantic number, the Saathiya sets a blooming and cheerful vibe at the same time. The music and lyrics are by the supremely talented Tanishk Bagchi.
After the release of the first song of the film Akshay Kumar said, “We had a massive set built in London for this one, from cars to airplanes to even hot air balloon, we had it all.
Rakul and I really enjoyed shooting this peppy romantic number. Tanishk has done an impressive job with the music of Saathiya. It’s the tune that you will listen to while driving and even groove at a party, it will grow on you and before you know you’re humming it. It’s one of my favourites from the album.”
Speaking about Saathiya, Tanishk Bagchi said, “It was a different experience altogether to build this love song. I had a lot of fun producing this track along with the music supervisor Azeem Dayani, have added an African drop to this love song giving it a different feel than a typical bollywood love song. Zahrah and Nikhil D’Souza’s voices adds the fun yet soulful element to it. Saathiya has a very fun vibe and I hope that the audience enjoys this.”
The leading lady of the film Rakul Preet added, “Saathiya is one of my most favourite songs from the film. I think its a very refreshing melody, its after very long I have heard a romantic melodious track. I truly believe that this will touch people’s hearts. The energy, the tune, the romance, the peppy upbeat romance that the song has is amazing. We shot this in beautiful locations with 10-11 Rovers and 3-4 big planes and us standing on top of the wings and dancing. And I remember it was cold and I was in a corset but nevertheless i thought its come out well and its truly worth it and of course working with Akshay Sir and matching to his energy and Ganesh master choreographed it, so all in all I think I love this song and really hope that people like it.
Also, with this song, Akshay Kumar leaves no stone unturned to prove that he is the real Khiladi! Not just cars and massive airplanes, Khiladi Kumar is seen romancing Rakul on a hot hair balloon in this new romantic number!
Well, we can’t stop hymning the tune of the song!
Produced by Vashu Bhagnani and Jackky Bhagnani, Deepshikha Deshmukh and Pooja Entertainment, directed by Ranjit M Tewari Cuttputlli unmasks the killer and decodes the mystery using Arjan’s skills to understand the psyche of the murderer. Cuttputlli will be released exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar on 2nd September and will be available to all platform subscribers.
Tune into Disney+ Hotstar to watch Akshay Kumar starrer Cuttputli as he races against time to save innocent lives from a serial killer.