Mumbai: Latest Bollywood movie ‘Tevar’ starring Sonakshi Sinha, Arjun Kapoor has touched the silver screens on 9th Jan 2015 and the movie has not got a good opening at box office.
In relation to this many Film critic and trade experts made a statement and the overall report seems very low.
As per the close sources, it has been informed that Arjun Kapoor and Sonakshi movie Tevar would have made around 6.5 to 7.00 Crore on the first day.
It seems that Aamir’s Pk record breaking movie has grabbed the attention of audience and it is expected that the movie releasing this month may face bad report.
Sources added, the production cost of the Bollywood movie Tevar landed around 32 Crores and if the collection does not take a boost on 11th January, 2015 i.e. Sunday then the movie may not be able to cover up the production costs.