Today marks the b’day of Bollywood beauty Bipasha Basu. She entered the Indian film industry in 2001 and made her debut with the film ‘Ajnabee’. She has starred in many other features like ‘Jism’, ‘Dhoom 2’, ‘No Entry’, ‘Phir Hera Pheri’, ‘Bachna Ae Haseeno’ and so on. She has garnered a lot of fans owing to her stunning looks and amazing acting skills.
Apart from being an actress, she’s one of the very few people from the industry who is heavily dedicated to fitness. Because of her superb work out routines, the actress has been ageing like fine wine.
On her special day, Bollywood Dhamaka brings you some of the posts that prove there is no other fitness enthusiast like Bipasha Basu.
See them here:
Exhausting yet rewarding. @Zumba #ZumbaIndia #LetItMoveYou #Zumba
— Bipasha Basu (@bipsluvurself) November 29, 2017
All set to join @narendramodi on #InternationalYogaDay? In these challenging times, practicing Yoga workouts from Fitbit Premium has helped me manage my mental and physical health. This Yoga Day (Jun 21), join me! Catch me live@IG with @fitbitIn at 6 PM #YogaTogetherFitTogether
— Bipasha Basu (@bipsluvurself) June 19, 2020
Starting my Sunday on a strong note!#Unleash followed by #fitandfabulousyou routine!Burrrrn !
— Bipasha Basu (@bipsluvurself) March 16, 2014
Get fit now with Unleash!Love yourself!
— Bipasha Basu (@bipsluvurself) March 13, 2014
Bipasha last appeared on the silver screens in the 2015 film horror film ‘Alone’. In 2020, she made her digital debut with the web series ‘Dangerous’ she shared screens with her husband Karan Singh Grover in it.