Former Bigg Boss contestant and actor Asim Riaz treated his fans with a gift on the prestigious occasion of Eid 2021. He finally made his debut as a rap artist and released the music video of his first song ‘Back to Start’. In the track, Asim was seen expressing what all he had to go through while he was struggling in the industry.
The artist also talked about all the criticism he faced and the people who told him he won’t be able to make it. He continued despite that and refused to let any of it affect him from his goal. Asim described himself as a ‘hustler’ who never said never.
See Asim Riaz’s Back to Start music video here:
The song ‘Back to Start’ was bankrolled by Sony Music India. He not only voiced the song but also wrote it. The music was by Charan. The music video is available on Sony Music India’s official channel.