Renowned filmmaker Shekhar Kapur has been busy with various projects, one of which involves working on the music score for the highly anticipated film ‘Masoom: The Next Generation.’ Currently based in London for the past two weeks, the auteur was recently honored with the esteemed “Lifetime Contribution to UK-India Relations” award at the IGF’s UK-India Awards. Adding to his accomplishments, he also received several accolades, including the ‘Best Director Award,’ for his recent movie, ‘What’s Love Got To Do With It?
According to trusted sources, “Kapur’s visit to London holds more significance than the accolades. He has been collaborating with, a renowned music producer from England, on the music for the movie. The director will also be working with one of the most sought after music composers in India for another soundtrack for ‘Masoom: The Next Generation.’ He is also scouting locations while he’s in London to finalise the setting for the movie.”
The original film, ‘Masoom,’ directed by Shekhar Kapur back in 1983, gained a devoted following in Indian cinema. Kapur, known for his directorial masterpieces like ‘Bandit Queen’ and ‘Mr. India,’ has made a profound and lasting impact on the Indian film industry.
Kapur’s influence has transcended national borders, with his films ‘Elizabeth’ and ‘Elizabeth: The Golden Age’ earning him prestigious Academy Awards. His remarkable ability to spot talent is evident, having collaborated with actors such as Cate Blanchett, Eddie Redmayne, and Heath Ledger, who later became prominent figures in mainstream cinema.