The teaser for the Malayali movie ‘Aaraattu’ that the fans were eagerly waiting for just dropped. It is going to star megastar, Mohanlal in the lead role. The teaser got released on the occasion of the Vishu festival that falls on 14 April 2021. Directed by Unnikrishnan B, Aaraattu marks the third collaboration between the director and Mohanlal after films like Villain and Mr Fraud.
As the trailer starts, we see the superstar make a smashing entry in a rural district where everyone stops and stares. He is then seen going into his action avatar within seconds as he hits the people trying to cause him harm. It seems like a full package of entertainment.
See the teaser here:
The background score by Rahul Raj also went well with the jaw-dropping action sequences. Aaraattu’s songs have been composed by music maestro AR Rahman who will be making a comeback in the Malayalam industry as a composer after 3 decades!
Aaraattu is headed for an Onam release i.e. 12 August 2021.