Actress Jacqueline Fernandez shared through her social media handle, Instagram that she is joining hands with multiple NGOs to start ‘YOLO’ or You Only Live Onc foundation. Through this, she aims to share stories of kindness that have been happening during these testing times as India is suffering from the second wave of COVID.
Jacqueline Fernandez mentioned the details of the initiative via a post and revealed, “We have this one life, let’s do whatever we can to make a difference in this world!! I am proud to announce the launch of the YOLO Foundation; an initiative to Create and Share Stories of Kindness ???????????? In these challenging times, the Yolo Foundation has partnered with several NGOs to help in whichever way we possibly can. Watch this space to know how you can contribute and make a difference to the lives around you #staysafe #spreadlove #helpothers ???? @rotibankfdn @rahosafein @mumbaipolice @thefelinefoundation”
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Throughout the years, Jacqueline has shown her support to many important social issues like gender equality (Global Goals campaign), putting a stop to animal cruelty (PETA), rebuilding flood-affected areas in Kerala and Tamil Nadu (Habitat for Humanity).