Actor Richa Chadha and Angad Bedi have been caught spotted by the photographer in their recent meetings leaving the rumors high of their new found closeness. Recently during an award function too, they walked in together and when they were asked about their relationship rumors both of them denied. But recently they were again seen together on the sets of Tiger Zinda Hai spending some quality time together. While the duo do deny the news, it seems that they love spending time together from dinner dates to movie nights and now visiting each other on the sets.
On the work front, Richa Chadha is been ruling the Amazon prime’s show Inside Edge and Angad Bedi’s next is going to a mega action flick with Salman Khan’s Tiger Zinda Hai for which currently they are currently shooting. For now, both of them have been showing their status a “Just good friends” but we would love to see them more often together!