The year 2020 is quite special for global sensation, Priyanka Chopra. Since she kick-started her career in 2000, this year marks 2 decades of her in the industry. Because of that, she has been sharing some of the most iconic moments from her life on her social media. Recently, on her social media, she shared a video made by her fans who have also been celebrating her 20 years in the entertainment industry.
The video that she featured on her Instagram story was an interesting montage of all the magazine covers she has been a part of through the years. The fan account also mentioned some of her achievements like ‘South Asian woman to grace the cover of Vogue USA’ and also ‘being amongst the top 100 most powerful & influential women according to Time and Forbes magazine’.
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While sharing the video on her Insta story, Priyanka wrote, “Wow! This is just amazing!! Thankyou @team_pc_ for this throwback…I can’t believeĀ I went through so much HMU and wardrobe…LOL what a ride!”
The actress will soon be seen starring in films like ‘We Can Be Heroes’ and ‘The White Tiger’. Her memoir ‘Unfinished’ will also release during the next year.