Actress Pooja Batra took to her social media to share a picture of a shocking moment from the past. In the picture, she can be seen posing with none another than multimillionaire Elon Musk, who is the CEO of Tesla and Space X which wooed her fans on her Instagram handle.
In the caption, Pooja said, “With the Centibillionaire, Industrial Magnate Genius who has changed our planet forever. #elonmusk #Tbt ? @gshiraz @westworldhbo #premiere @hbo @teslamotors @spacex ”
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Turns out, Elon Musk is extremely fascinated by Bollywood, especially one film and that is Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s masterpiece Bajirao Mastani. Back in 2018 on his Twitter handle, he shared the link to the popular track Deewani Mastani from the film and included a gif of Ranveer Singh while writing ‘Bajirao Mastani’ between two yellow hearts.
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💛 Bajirao Mastani 💛
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 21, 2018