Bollywood actress Disha Patani indeed knows how to grab the fans and media attention with her style statement. Her recent appear at the Ajio Grazia Millennial Awards 2023 was no exception. The actress made heads turn on the pink carpet with her bold and sexy pink ensemble, exuding sensuality and confidence.
As she posed for the paparazzi, Disha Patani showcased her impeccable fashion sense and unique style. Her outfit, designed to perfection, accentuated her stunning figure and complemented her radiant personality. The boldness of the ensemble, combined with her confidence, created a striking visual impact.
Disha Patani is known for her glamorous appearances and her ability to carry off different looks with ease. At the Ajio Grazia Millennial Awards 2023, she undoubtedly left a lasting impression with her choice of outfit, showcasing her sensuality and confidence in the Bollywood industry.
Disha’s dress was styled by Tanya Ghavri.