Mumbai: Bollywood actress Asin, who recently shot for the third schedule of All is Well, fell ill in cold Shimla where they were canning a big part of the shooting. Shimla where the temperatures drop to 3 degrees along with rain was a difficult schedule for the crew.
Its in fact one of her staff who fell ill first and passed on the infection to Asin as they are constantly with her. Asin immediately called for a doctor for her staff along with getting medicines for herself and inspite of losing her voice completely and running a temperature of 102 F, she turned up on set for shoot every single day. Infact she gave her staff an off for resting till he got better and told the makers that she would manage minus the help.
Such a gesture is unheard of by any Bollywood Heroine who are generally thought off as tantrum throwing divas. Any other in her place might have taken a break to recuperate before resuming work. Umesh shukla and the entire crew were very surprised and impressed by her extreme professionalism to ensure minimum trouble to the film and it’s producers.
A unit hand said, “The entire unit was impressed with Asin’s dedication to work, especially because she showed absolutely no fuss in such extreme climatic conditions and on top of that gave sick leave to her spot boy without even waiting for a replacement and turned up on set without any qualms or tantrums! She did not want to take a break as it would have inconvenienced the entire unit on an outdoor schedule.”