Bollywood newbie Ananya Panday will be celebrating her b’ day soon. Her mother Bhavana Panday took a trip down the memory lane and shared a home video of Ananya from when she was a little child. In the video, the ‘Student of The Year 2’ actress can be seen jumping on a bouncy castle as she gets recorded.
In a part of the video, she also gets closer the camera to admire herself innocently. Her mother, Bhavana focussed on the moment while writing, ” Birthday Girl !!!! 3 days to go !!!! ♥️♥️♥️obsessed with the camera then and now !!! ? love you ?” The voice of her father, Chunky Panday can also be heard from behind the camera.
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Birthday Girl !!!! 3 days to go !!!! ♥️♥️♥️obsessed with the camera then and now !!! ? love you ?
This year, Ananya was one of the stars who made her digital debut. She along with Ishaan Khatter starred in the masala entertainer ‘Khaali Peeli’ directed by Maqbool Khan. She has two other projects which are under production. One of them will feature her and south sensation Vijay Deverakonda and has been directed by Puri Jagannadh. Ananya will also be sharing screens with Siddhant Chaturvedi and Deepika Padukone in Shakun Batra’s next.