Earlier this year, Alia Bhatt announced the launch of her ecological initiative COEXIST by releasing a rescued sea turtle into…

Coexist, pet rescue, ngo, Alia Bhatt,

Earlier this year, Alia Bhatt announced the launch of her ecological initiative COEXIST by releasing a rescued sea turtle into the sea on Mother’s Day.

As a part of the initiative, Alia is now championing the welfare of street cats and dogs. Having rescued and fostered animals since a young age, Alia wants to raise awareness about the plight of strays and how each one of us, through simple acts of kindness, can ensure a better and safer environment for these animals.

Speaking about the campaign, Alia said “Street cats and dogs are often subjected to immense cruelty because of the misconceptions surrounding them. Living on the streets, they have no safe shelter, are injured or run over by callous drivers and are left traumatized from the loud sounds of firecrackers and loudspeakers, during festivals and events. Through this campaign, we hope to change attitudes and help people embrace a sensitive approach towards our strays.”

The campaign will also focus on the adoption of stray cats and dogs. “They provide us with the same amount of love and loyalty as any other breed. If adopting an animal for your home is not a possibility, then be compassionate to the animals in your locality – by looking out for them and ensuring they are vaccinated and sterilized.” said Alia, who herself has a rescued pet cat, Sheeba.  “Visit our blog and our facebook page to know how you can make a difference.”