Mumbai: Bollywood the love of many people. In India we eat, drink, walk, sleep everything we do it in bollywood style. Without bollywood our life is incomplete. Making an entry to bollywood is the dream everyone. Bollywood is the heart of Indian film industry. Surya Dwivedi who made his debut in Bollywood through “Anwar” Movie as a Villain now he is all set to sign new project in Bollywood. While sharing his experience in Bollywood he said, “Working in bollywood it feels like a dream come true. People aspire to make entry to bollywood as it is dazzling industry. Working in this industry I feel proud to me and I have achieved various prestigious awards.”
In the past decade Surya Dwivedi has worked in more than 50 Bhojpuri films like “Sasura Bada Paisawala” ‘Aaj Ke Karan Arjun’ and many more. However this Bhojpuri man has been born and brought up in Mumbai and has a very Bambaiyya attitude.