Shahid Kapoor redefined fashion in India, with his signature athleisure brand – SKULT .
Bringing functional street style and the normcore trend back in vogue, Shahid introduced his fashion line in October,which went on to become a massive success.
The introductory collection sold out within the first month of its launch and the brand only continues to grow from strength to strength.Hence it comes as no surprise that Skult was awarded for its outstanding retail performance at the Indian E-retail awards 2017.
Says Shahid Kapoor , ” My collection is about expressing yourself without restrictions, and brings together fashion and functionality. I think that is what struck a chord with our consumers across all demographics, not just the youth.The kind of appreciation we have received is definitely a driving force to make the brand even bigger. An award recognizing our growth is overwhelming”.
Skult has gained massive popularity with figures going off the roof , this despite being a brand that does not ever retail on sale.
No wonder then that Abof’, the digital arm of Aditya Birla Retail may launch Shahid Kapoor ‘s SKULT merchandise in brick and mortar stores within next quarter.
Targeted at millennial consumers, the brand may soon make its retail debut ,in the meanwhile it continues to achieve milestones in the e-commerce space.