Action star Vidyut Jammwal attended opening ceremony of The Roots Football Premier League along with Siddhant Kapoor, Dino Morea and Upen Patel on Wednesday in Mumbai. While interacting with media, Jammwal stated that he will soon start shooting for his upcoming film ‘Junglee’.
When asked Vidyut about his future projects, he said, “I am starting shooting for ‘Junglee’ which will be my first Indian- International film and I am very excited for that. After that, I will move on to shoot Commando 3 “
When asked in what avatar he will be seen in his upcoming film, he said, “Whichever role, I might be doing, I will be in my supreme form and I don’t think about anything apart from action that’s why I am here to see action-field”
Talking about The Roots Fotball Premeire League, Jammwal said, “I am very excited. The way they are supporting youngsters is the best thing and great idea. I will come to watch these matches each day and night”
When asked him about memories of Football, Commando star said, “I really love Football that is the reason I am here moreover I am supporting my friend’s team. We all have grown up watching football. We talk a lot about cricket but I feel Football is equal is Cricket. When we used to be kids matches used to be telecast in the night so we used to be awake with our parents and watch the whole match”
Talking about his favorite Football player, he said, “My favorite players keep changing from time to time. I used to love watching Maradona. I like people who are short, fast and lethal and my current favorite is Neymar”
American writer –director Check Russell’s action thriller Junglee, which is being produced by Junglee Pictures. Giving Vidyut Jamwal ‘elephantine’ company in Junglee will be a family of elephants.
Vidyut Jamwal will be seen in the role of an animal loving vet, who is on a look out to uncover a deadly poaching racket, something which was responsible for his father’s death.
Viduyt was last seen in Baadshaho playing army officer Seher Singh.