Child actor Parth Bhalerao and filmmaker Suniket Gandhi attended promotional interview for their upcoming Marathi ‘Firkee’ and during media interaction, Parth said that he tried to explore different zone as an actor with ‘Firkee’ after playing raw characters in his earlier films.
When asked Parth what prompted him to do ‘Firkee’, he said, “Suniket Gandhi who is writer and director of this film approached me for this film so when he narrated script to me, it made me relate with the script as it was really nice and inspiring script. It’s a story of village boy named Govinda who is really sensible and simple boy. In my earlier films, I played very raw characters in ‘Killa and ‘Bhootnath Returns’, so through this film, I tried to explore in different zone. It was really nice experience playing this character”
Parth Bhalerao has worked with Mega Star Amitabh Bachchan in ‘Bhootnath Returns’ so when asked Parth whether he would like to show this film to Amitabh Bachchan, Parth said, “I would definitely like to show this film to Amitabh Bachchan sir as per his convenience. Amitabh Bachchan sir tweeted about my last film ‘Boyz’ and he also shared trailer of that film on social media so I think he will like this film as well and I would like to share this film’s trailer and posters with him. I had nice experience with him working in ‘Bhootnath Returns’. I was small at that time and I didn’t used to understand much what was happening on sets but I still cherish those memories when I spent time with Amitabh Bachchan sir”
Talking about plot of the film, filmmaker Suniket Gandhi said, “It’s a story of 12 year old boy. It’s basically a children film but this film is very sensitive film which have backdrop of kite flying. This film shows journey of a boy of one year and during that one year, we have tried to show main protagonist ups and downs and how he overcomes obstacles during that period. I think this is the first Marathi film based on Kite Flying. Everyone among us must have done kit flying so that I feel is the connection point of this film”
When asked Suniket about casting of the film and how he finalized Parth as a main lead of ‘Firkee’, he said, “We have huge star cast in the film as there are many characters in the film. Parth Bhalerao is playing central character in the film. When we wrote story of this film that time we gave lot of thought about who will play main character in this film then we approached Parth and after listening to script, he also instantly agreed to do this film”
When asked Suniket whether they are planning to host special screening of the film for Amitabh Bachchan as he has worked with Parth in ‘Bhootnath Returns’, he said, “We would definitely want to show this film to Amitabh Bachchan sir and I hope he will like our film. I feel if credible personality like him gives positive response to our film then it will be very beneficial for our us and through that we can increase the audience for this film”
‘Firkee’ stars Parth Bhalerao, Pushkar Lonarkar, Hrishikesh Joshi, Jyoti Subhash and Kishor Choughule in key roles.
It is directed by Suniket Gandhi and produced by Maulik Desai. ‘Firkee is releasing on 2nd March, 2018.