Sooraj Pancholi will be moving into his parents’ home to be able to spend time with them. The young actor has been staying by himself for 12 years, which has raised his maturity ahead of his age. Wanting to be closer with his parents, Zarina Wahab and Aditya Pancholi, the talented actor will be moving into an apartment in the same building where his parents currently reside.
Says Sooraj, “For me, true independence is all about taking care of my parents — giving back what they have done for me for so many years until I started working.”
He adds, “I have been staying alone for the past 12 years, and it made me too mature for my years. I used to live with my grandparents since childhood and continued to stay in their house even after they passed away when I was 14. I want to spend more time with my parents and my sister now.”