Actress Soha Ali Khan took to her social media to share a fun video that featured none other than her husband, Kunal Kemmu. He could be seen embracing his filmy side as the couple decided to go to the terrace of their house to check the effects of the Tauktae cyclone.
In the video, you can see Kunal breaking into the song ‘Keh Do Ke Tum Ho Meri Warna’ from the popular film Tehzaab. Although Soha couldn’t be seen, her voice was heard in the video where she said, “Just come up to the roof to see the after-effects of the cyclone. Some plants have fallen down.” Then suddenly Kunal steals the show.
See Kunal Kemmu’s video here:
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Their friends from the industry used the comments section to mention how hilarious they found the video to be.
Both Soha and Kunal were recently seen in a fun virtual game show hosted by comedian Kaneez Surka. It was a part of a charity stream where many influencers and stars came together to raise money for Give India & Hemkunt Foundation to battle the second wave of the COVID-19 virus.