Mumbai: For building muscles it is necessary to have very good diet; a diet which is rich in minerals, vitamins and low on fats. Every bodybuilder likes to eat chicken and fish in their diet, some also include red meat in their diet because it is the fastest way to build muscle. But our own Indian Pehelwanji Sangram Singh is a Pure Vegetarian he belongs to a family which doesn’t even have eggs. They have cows, buffaloes, dogs at their village home as Pets. Sangram believes in Nature’s Power & Natural products. He was born a premature baby & was weak as compared to a Normal child. When he was 3 and half year old then he got Arthritics. His parents took him to various doctors but he was not cured. He spent around 8 years on a Wheelchair. He basically could stand on his feet through natural products like food, milk, ghee and Only Vegetarian food.
So Sangramji believes that being Vegetarian is Powerful as compared to Non-vegetarian. He says, “Being an International Wrestler, I will advise everybody to be Vegan & Save Animals & Birds. When I got a call from Menka Gandhiji’s office, I visited Sanjay Gandhi Animal Care Centre I saw that lots of Cows, Dogs, Donkeys, Monkeys and many species of Birds were hungry & injured. Menkaji is trying to give food and treatment to all these Animals. This effort touches me a lot, so I decided to be a part of this great organization. We should keep Pets at our homes. I request everyone to Save Animals and Birds they are god gift to us.”
He further added “When I saw the conditions of these Animals, I met Menka Gandhiji she advised me to joint hand with them. “Being an International Wrestler who is a Vegan, I should promote Vegetarian Food and Save Animals.” I agreed. I promised her that l will do my Best. God gave us a Human Body so we should protect Every Small/ Big animal & Birds. Menkaji is doing a very nice job. She is a very Strong and a Positive Lady, that’s why I Respect her and became a part of this initiative.”