Superstar Hrithik Roshan has announced his first-ever collaboration with Rado, a swiss luxury watchmaking company. Taking to his Twitter handle, he tweeted, “Super excited to announce my first ever watch collaboration with @Rado & launch the new Rado Captain Cook Hrithik Roshan Special Edition.”
He further mentioned, “Also thanking @rado for supporting me in my goal at Akshaya Patra Foundation. #RadoCaptainCook #SpecialEdition #RadoxHrithikRoshan”
The actor also shared a video which features him going to Rado’s headquarters situated in Lengnau, Switzerland, in order to give some insights about how the product could work well in India.
Super excited to announce my first ever watch collaboration with @Rado & launch the new Rado Captain Cook Hrithik Roshan Special Edition.
Also thanking @rado for supporting me in my goal at Akshaya Patra foundation. #RadoCaptainCook #SpecialEdition #RadoxHrithikRoshan
— Hrithik Roshan (@iHrithik) July 23, 2020
The new edition will also come with a leather pouch which will contain Hrithik’s signature. It will also contain green leather and the same coloured nylon nato straps.
On the work front, the actor was last seen on the silver screens in the 2019 blockbuster hit ‘War’ with Tiger Shroff.