Actor Angad Bedi is currently in Abu Dhabi shooting for the most anticipated sequel of the year Tiger Zinda Hai starring Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif. Angad’s recent release Inside Edge on Amazon Prime has already become a roaring success video on demand series that has been well received by the audience and critics in which he played a character of a cricket team captain. In Abu Dhabi Angad is shooting some highly intense stunt scenes for which he is now being trained by professional stunt directors and has even been deputed a boxing coach. Angad took to social media to share a rather impressive video where he is seen throwing some powerful punches while practicing boxing with his trainer. As we all know Angad is a trained athlete and has been trained since very young age making it easier for him to get his boxing moves correctly. It would be delight to see Angad in an all new action avatar in Tiger Zinda Hai soon. Here is the video for all to see Angad in action. [embed][/embed]