Legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan has launched his new song from the upcoming film ‘Atkan Chatkan’. The song is a prayer track featuring soulful vocals by the actor asking the almighty to give strength to deal with tough times.
While sharing the video for it on his IGTV, Bachchan wrote, “AtkanChatkan
On the auspicious occasion of Anant Chaturdashi, sang a prayer .. “Daata Shakti de”.. composed by dear friend @drumsshivamani and presented by
@arrahman ji for the musical #AtkanChatkanOnZee5 . Wishing them all the very best ..@zee5premium”
The song features the lead of the film Guddu (played by Lydian Nadhaswaram) wandering around from one religious place to another while the song plays in the background.
The upcoming film has been directed by Shiv Hare while music maestro AR Rahman is presenting it. The story will follow the life of a little boy named Guddu and his journey where he forms a band to fulfil his dreams of winning a musical competition.
Atkan Chatkan will premiere on OTT service Zee5 from 5 September 2020.